Guide To A Spring "tellectual" Skincare Routine

The Skinsmith | 11th March 2024

Springtime Breaks Wooland Leisure

Springtellectual Skincare!

(Photo credit Woodlandleisure)

Our guide to a spring skincare routine celebrates the first day of spring which is 20th March 2024, and we think spring is one of the nicest months as it evokes feelings of fresh starts and new beginnings. There’s the hope of warmer, longer days and summer fun just around the corner, and is usually a time for re-connecting after the hibernation of winter!

Spring is a great time to re-access, lots of us do a deep spring clean around the home, and for some a spring clean regarding life and work too, it is also a great time to look at your skincare routine and see if it needs a spring clean as well.

As the winter months bow out, we’ll see the weather change along with our habits, adjusting your products or altering your daily and weekly skincare procedure now, can help to keep your skin at its healthiest and looking fresh for the new season.

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Winter To Spring

Winter is colder which can affect your skin, plus we tend to spend more time indoors because of the cold weather and shorter days. We are exposed to less sun so less Vitamin D and we usually have our heating on.

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How Winter Affects Your Skin

The cold temperatures have a physical effect on the body and skin and here are some key challenges your skin faces during the winter months:

  • When you are cold your blood vessels constrict to preserve heat in the core of your body. This natural response although necessary can leave your skin looking dull, lifeless, and tired because less oxygenated blood flow is nourishing your skin cells.
  • Your skin can become more dehydrated in winter due to low humidity and having your heating on. Both can increase a natural process in your skin called Trans Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL), this is where the natural hydration in your skin evaporates away, effectively dehydrating your skin throughout the day.
  • Lower humidity can also affect the amount of oil your sebaceous glands produce, generally they produce more in high humidity and less in low. So, in the winter not only can your skin become dehydrated, but it can also lack moisture from lower oil production. This can result in a rougher texture, dullness and fine lines and wrinkles can become more apparent as the skin dries out!
  • Your skin can feel more sensitised and look a little redder in the winter due to your skin barrier becoming dry. This protective layer of skin cells and lipids helps to keep moisture and water in your skin and impurities and environmental stressors such as pollutants and irritants out.

All these factors are linked together and can result in a winter skin looking duller, more irritated and any signs of ageing can be emphasised!

How Spring Affects Your Skin

As the temperatures warm up, humidity increases, and the days become longer your skin will start to feel less dry and look less dull.

However, to keep your skin looking it’s best you should be aware that warmer spring weather can affect the skin in different ways and brings its own physical changes to your skin and body.

Those differences can include:

  • Warmer weather can increase oil production in the skin along with increased perspiration. Excess oil and sweat can lead to blocked pores and breakouts so you may need to look at changing up your cleanser for a clearer springtime complexion.
  • Longer days equals more sunshine and more exposure to UV rays. As UV rays have the potential to be harmful to the skin, you must make sure you protect yourself with an SPF product, ideally for the skin and body and we suggest a mineral SPF over a chemical
  • Another consideration for your skin in spring is environmental allergies, now we understand this doesn’t affect everyone but if you are “lucky” enough to be someone who does then you will know you often touch your face more because of itchy, runny eyes, noses, throats and sometimes a more irritated complexion. Looking at soothing products with healing benefits can be a good idea throughout the spring and summer months.
  • Exposure to pollutants from traffic or industry can increase as the days get lighter because again more of us are outside either contributing to traffic pollution or being exposed to pollution. Protecting your skin with actives that maintain a healthy skin barrier are not only a good idea in spring but year round.

A Spring "tellectual" Skincare Routine

Now we know what physical changes are happening in our skin let’s take a look at what you can do to keep your skin looking spring tastic all season long:

  • Change up your cleanser: in winter you may be using a cleanser to moisturise and keep your skin hydrated, now it’s spring think about swapping to a cleanser that has a deeper cleansing action, helping to cleanse pores and protect the skin barrier function. Popular springtime cleansers for us are Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Cleanser, Clear Skin Probiotic Cleanser and for a deeper exfoliating cleanse Charcoal Exfoliating Gel Cleanser.
  • Protect your skin barrier: to help with environmental allergies and environmental pollutants look at skincare that helps to maintain and support your skins natural barrier function. You can find a full line of products with microbiome supporting ingredients, for us we have the Kombucha Microbiome Collection with a foaming cleanser, balancing essence, leave-on masque and serum. Any one of these products will help to keep your skin luminous and protected throughout the season.
  • As your skin produces more moisture in the warmer months because of more sebum production you may like to swap to a lighter textured serum and moisturiser. Perspiration and heat can increase water loss from within your skin and the perfect ingredient to lock in water and increase water levels in your skin is hyaluronic acid. We love our Strawberry Rhubarb Hyaluronic Serum for springtime and Mangosteen Gel Moisturiser not only feels lighter on the skin but has red clover flower extract to help minimise pores.
  • Sun protection is an absolute must! If you don’t use SPF all year round you really must invest in good SPF protection for spring and summer. Use an SPF moisturiser for the face every day and our preference is a mineral SPF with zinc oxide to help keep your skin clear and blemish free whilst providing protection from harmful UV rays.

Springtellectual Skincare Steps:

A suggestion for the perfect daily Eminence springtime routine –

  1. Cleanse with Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Cleanser
  2. Tone with Mangosteen Revitalising Mist
  3. Protect with Kombucha Microbiome Balancing Essence
  4. Hydrate with Strawberry Rhubarb Hyaluronic Serum
  5. Moisturise with Mangosteen Gel Moisturiser (nighttime)
  6. SPF with Lilikoi Daily Defense Moisturiser and Sport Sunscreen (daytime)

If you follow some or all of our springtellectual ideas you will have a glowing, fresh complexion that will minimise breakouts and clogged pores, protect your skin barrier function and prevent premature ageing from the sun.

Discover The Benefits of Spring Skin:


Learn more about the key benefits of changing your skincare with the seasons by speaking to a member of our experienced and friendly team today on 01305 300950 or by emailing [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

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